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The Tribulations of Virginia

Hermanos Oligor - QUIQUIRIQUÍ Festival
>   29 September - 1 October, 2017
   |   18:30 h
   |   Center spaces
>   Ticket: 
12 € ticket office
   |    12 € early
   |   Capacity 46 people
The Tribulations of Virginia
·The Tribulations of Virginia

September 29, 2017 - 6:30 pm / September 30, 2017 - 6:30 pm / October 1, 2017 - 6:30 pm 

HERMANOS OLIGOR (Navarre) ________ Las tribulaciones de Virginia (The Tribulations of Virginia)



//  For adults  //  In Spanish  //  LOWEL LEVEL ZONE  //

[ Authors and Directors: Hermanos Oligor // Performers: Pepe and Jomi Oligor // Co-production: Hermanos Oligor and International Festival of Visual Theater and of Titelles de Barcelona ]

Las tribulaciones de Virginia is a spectacle with dolls, automatons animated by pulleys and pedals, mechanical toys and machines inspired by cause-effect experiments. It is between the country fair stall and the circus. Awnings mark a circular space and inside, there are tiers where the public sits, a small track and in the background, a great machine that is transformed throughout the show. Valentín activates the different mechanisms to the rhythm of fairground music, music boxes, and tango while telling a story of love and love lost at the same time. The Oligors’ fragile theater is plucked in the light of a birthday candle, a lantern with which Valentin, in a low voice, takes you to the drawer where you had your first kiss, do you remember? A show with which you will fall in love from the first minute and which will stay in your life forever.

It was released in 2002 and since then has toured major festivals in Europe and Latin America. Given its uniqueness and excellence, this year Quiquiriquí has bet decisively on this company by showing two of its creations and a documentary film about the work itself.




Ticket sales: via the Internet at redentradas.com  //  Telephone: 958 10 81 81  //  Ticket Office at the Isabel la Católica Theater, Kiosco Redentradas (Acera del Casino) and from one hour before the start of the show, if any tickets remain, at the Federico García Lorca Center  //

Prices: adults: 12 €  //  children under 14 years: 7 €  //  Special price for: 8 shows: 80 €  //  4 shows: 40 €  //  Not included in the special ticket prices for multiple shows: Las tribulaciones de VirginiaLa máquina de la soledad and Cosas que se olvidan fácilmente  // 


Granada’s Festival of Puppet Theater is called QUIQUIRIQUÍ. It originated from an idea and consequent proposal by the Federico García Lorca Center Consortium and is by the Ministry of Culture in collaboration mainly with the City of Granada. The company Etcétera is in charge of artistic direction  //

+ QUIQUIRIQUÍ etceterateatro@gmail.com  //  Press: cucavidalm@hotmail.com - jesus@centrofedericogarcialorca.es  //



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